Circular RNAs


1>最早的环形RNA分子在20世纪70年代于RNA病毒中发现。(Viroids are single-stranded covalently closed circular RNA molecules existing as highly base-paired rod-like structures

2>2012年,斯坦福大学和霍华德休斯医学研究所的科学家们发表在《Plos One》的一项研究首次证实在人体细胞的基因表达程序中,环形RNA分子而非线性RNA分子是一个更普遍的特征。

3>2013年2月,Nature头条:震惊遗传界的环状RNA,揭示出环状RNA(circRNA)是一类特殊的非编码RNA分子,与传统的线性RNA(linear RNA,含5’和3’末端)不同,circRNA分子呈封闭环状结构,不受RNA外切酶影响,表达更稳定,不易降解。在功能上,circRNA分子富含microRNA(miRNA)结合位点,在细胞中起到miRNA海绵( miRNA sponge)的作用,进而解除miRNA对其靶基因的抑制作用,升高靶基因的表达水平(近期研究显示,一个环状RNA-CDR1as (也称为ciRS-7) ,在其序列上有超过60个保守的miR-7结合位点,因此ciRS-7像海绵那样,将miR-7吸附到身上,进而影响miR-7靶标基因活性);这一作用机制被称为竞争性内源RNA(ceRNA)机制。通过与疾病关联的miRNA相互作用, circRNA在疾病中发挥着重要的调控作用。
Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency.Nature.Year published:(2013)DOI:doi:10.1038/nature11928:证实,在斑马鱼中表达这一环状RNA或敲除miR-7可以改变大脑发育。
Natural RNA circles function as efficient microRNA sponges.NatureYear published:(2013)DOI:doi:10.1038/nature11993:发现这一环状RNA的表达阻断了miR-7。它使得miR-7活性受到抑制,miR-7靶基因表达增高,研究人员推测这是因为这一RNA环捕获和失活了miR-7。

早期认为环形RNA通过”外显子反向剪接成环(back splice circularization)”形成,定位于细胞浆中;2013年9月,中科院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所陈玲玲组发现来源于内含子序列的ciRNAs,其生成依赖特定的成环关键核酸序列;成熟的ciRNAs定位在细胞核内并调控其本位基因的转录速度。
Circular Intronic Long Noncoding RNAs

Complementary Sequence-Mediated Exon Circularization

The biogenesis and emerging roles of circular RNAs
内含子经常存在于真核生物的蛋白质编码基因(coding gene)中。在内含子里,需要有 5’ 供体剪接位点(5’ donor splice site)、3’ 受体剪接位点(3’ acceptor splice site)及剪接分枝位点(branch point)来进行剪接。剪接是由剪接体(Spliceosome)来催化,它是以五个不同的小核核糖核酸(snRNs) 以及不下于一百个蛋白质所组成的大型核糖核酸蛋白质复合物,称为小核核糖蛋白(snRNP)。snRNP 的 RNA 会与内含子行杂交反应(hybridization),并且参与剪接的催化反应。
snRNAs(small nuclear ribonucleoproteins)的作用


  • 具有闭合环状结构,没有PolyA “尾巴”。
  • 不受RNA外切酶影响,表达更稳定,不易降解。
  • 序列高度保守,具有一定的组织、时序和疾病特异性。
  • 生物起源(Biogenesis)

    剪切体(spliceosome): 剪切体抑制降低circRNA和线性RNA水平;circRNA表达受管控,剪切体能够区分正向剪切(linear RNA)和backsplicing(circRNA)。具体如何区分还不清楚,但3种环化机制已经识别,其共同点核心是相关剪切位点毗邻( juxtaposition),区别在于这种临近是如何实现的。more:


    图注:1. 靠近环化外显子侧面的内含子存在互补序列motifs,直接的motifs区域碱基配对将环化的剪切位点拉进;

    1. RBPs(RNA bind protein)互作捆绑环化外显子侧面的内含子序列motifs区域,促进head-to-tail end-joining。
    2. 外显子跳跃导致包含外显子1和4的mRNA和包含外显子2和3的套索结构一样,这诱导外显子3的剪切供体和外显子2的剪切受体临近,随后的剪切形成EIciRNA(exon–intron ciRNAs)和circRNA,并伴随有外显子1和4组成的lines RNA。
    3. CircRNA包含miRNA结合位点时吸附AGO-miRNA complexes;
    4. 调控RBPs;
    5. exon–intron ciRNAs存在于核内,通过其保留的内含子的5‘剪切位点与U1 snRNP (U1)直接互作促进宿主基因的转录,exon–intron ciRNA-U1 complex招募RNA聚合酶 II(RNA pol II)刺激宿主基因转录起始。
      Specialised spliceosomes splice the introns out of pre-mRNA and seal the exon ends together, using the splicing consensus sequences at the intron/exon boundaries to identify the correct positions to splice. Sometimes a regulatory protein will mask a splicing sequence, resulting in alternative splicing. The spliceosomes consist primarily of RNA-protein complexes called small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). The snRNPs are composed of small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) - U1, U2, U4, U5 and U6 - as well as a group of seven proteins known as Sm ribonucleoproteins that collectively make up the extremely stable Sm core of the snRNP. The snRNPs bind to the pre-mRNA in a specific order to align the splice sites for cleavage, which involves RNA-RNA pairing between the snRNA and the pre-mRNA with the help of the Sm proteins. The U1 snRNP binds to the 5’ end of the intron and the U2 snRNP binds close to the 3’ end of the intron (at the branch point), followed by the binding of the U4/U6 snRNPs that play an important role close to the reaction centre, and finally the U5 snRNP that helps hold the two exons together. After the intron is spliced out it is rapidly degraded, and the two exons are ligated together. More:
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