Congratulations! My first SCI paper is published in scientific reports. A nice story about cottonseed and welcome reading.
Conclusions for this paper:
This is the first report of artificially improved oil content via RNAi strategy and the analysis of its metabolic mechanism in Upland cotton. Decreased GhPEPC1 expression in transgenic cotton led to the increased expression of TAG biosynthesis related genes and elevated cottonseed oil content, which demonstrated the feasibility of improving cottonseed oil yield by regulating the carbon flux.

GhPEPC1 works as a core enzyme not only involved in photosynthesis but also regulated the inflowing of carbon turnover to fatty acid biosynthesis and finally contributed to the increase of cottonseed oil content. In this report, the carboxylation pathway of PEP to OAA was blocked through RNAi of GhPEPC1 and resulted in a decline in OAA concentration. Under this background, more proteins would be converted to aspartate involved in anaplerotic reactions to offset the OAA deficiency in mitochondrial and this hypothesis has been confirmed by our RNA-seq data. Among the DEGs, the glutamine-dependent asparagine synthase 1 was found to be down-regulated in the RNAi lines. Simultaneously, more pyruvate will be transported into mitochondria due to the acceleration of glycolysis, through mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) located in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The pyruvate located in mitochondria was then involved into two metabolism branches: conversion into acetyl-CoA through pyruvate decarboxylation with pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) and other irreversible carboxylation to form OAA by pyruvate carboxylase (PC) ligase to serves as an anaplerotic reaction for TCA. The excessive acetyl CoA and relative lack of OAA forced chloroplasts to the heighten light-dependent reactions based on photosynthetic electron transport chains and which produced the ATP and NADPH by using Calvin cycle, where the fixed CO2 was converted as sucrose to provide substrate for glycolysis. However, the RNAi cotton plant was in a state of ‘starvation’ because of the down-regulation of GhPEPC and the TCA were confined. Moreover, the expression levels of ACC in transgenic lines were significantly increased, which indicates that superfluous acetyl-CoA could combine with OAA and form citrate and then transported to cytoplasm via citrate transport protein (CTP). These citrates have participated into biosynthesis of fatty acids and finally stored in cottonseed in the form of TAG. The red marker region indicated that relevant genes exhibiting rising trend in RNA-seq data. The blue marker indicated down-regulated genes.
全文见:Metabolic engineering of cottonseed oil biosynthesis pathway via RNA interference
How to cite this article:
Xu, Z. et al. Metabolic engineering of cottonseed oil biosynthesis pathway via RNA interference. Sci. Rep. 6, 33342; doi: 10.1038/srep33342 (2016).
首先需要感谢的就是实验室提供的良好的科研平台和优势,这是必不可少的;其次就是支持科研的导师金老师和郭老师;还有已毕业的师兄李敬文,没有他就没有这篇文章, Also thanks for hakim help me review my manuscript in limited time and his modify is more important for improve the grammar and flow of the manuscript, especially in the introduction and discussion;当然还有实验室每位同窗室友。
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